To ensure proper operations, quality objectives that are in line with our strategy and company culture are semi-annually established per working area. A Quality Manager is appointed to monitor our system and intervenes when necessary.
ISO 9001
International Organization for Standardization

The ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management systems. The organisation ISO (Geneva) is responsible for establishing and managing thousands of different standards. Most of these are product-oriented, but some standards confirm the quality of generic management systems. By far the best known is the ISO 9001.
MechaTronix holds an ISO 9001 certificate. This means that our quality system is audited every six months by an external agency and that our customers can be assured of a certain standard of quality.
MechaTronix will continue to meet the international standards for a large number of customers. Here you can download the ISO 9001 certificate in PDF. If you would like to receive additional information, please contact MechaTronix.