MechaTronix Grow Light


collab with Urban Crop Solutions & Inagro
Lettuce Vertical Hybrid Farm tower   /   Roeselare, Belgium

Space Maximization with a 10-meter High Hybrid Indoor Farming Tower

Urban Crop Solutions developed the innovative vertical farming tower at Agrotopia, the research center for sustainable agriculture in Roeselare.
This installation marks an important milestone in integrating vertical farming into traditional greenhouse farming.
The tower can grow crops on multiple levels, maximizing space efficiency within their existing rooftop greenhouse.

The system is illuminated by MechaTronix CoolGrow Linear grow lights, supplemented by natural sunlight.
The Linear VF grow light is equipped with a newly developed Canopy Edge Beam, a unique light beam designed to reduce light spill by 40%, while optimizing canopy coverage and maintaining stable light levels.
