MechaTronix Grow Light

Phalaenopsis Orchids

A good example of “never one spectrum for all ornamentals” can be seen at the cultivation of Phalaenopsis.
Most orchid growers aim at a mix of supplemental lighting and additional daylight extension.
Phalaenopsis growers in greenhouse environments retrieve already a rather large amount of blue light spectra on the plant during the normal sun hours, which tend to be already more than enough blue in order to avoid a too vegetative growth.
Also the energy levels in the green to yellow spectrum are at nominal daylight lengths reaching the saturation level of what you want to give to Phalaenopsis.

Never the less supplemental lighting from HPS SON-T lamps do have a positive effect mainly related to the heat radiation of the lamps increasing the leaf temperature and as a result promoting extra photosynthesis.

Horticulture typical sunlight spectrum

Typical sunlight spectrum in winter time at Western Europe – 2PM.

So when you think about LED light for growing Phalaenopsis, aim at what the plants really need as a supplement, which is mainly red 660nm.
Hybrid systems with LED grow lights and HPS SON-T seem to deliver the perfect balance between lowering energy consumption levels while maintaining photosynthesis increase from the HPS lamps.

In general the supplemental light levels during day time should be obtained from the LED grow lights (and preferable in this way that the LED grow light interacts with a PAR meter at canopy level) what saves the most of your energy. For daylight extension the LED grow lights stay on while extra HPS SON-T lamps promote the extra photosynthesis (but at lower energy level as lighting with just SON-T).

A perfect LED spectrum for this balanced growth system is retrieved from the CoolGrow® 3REQWFR, resulting in strong glossy plants and a tremendous energy saving because of the very triggered spectrum without energy losses at non-needed wavelengths.

CoolGrow® 3REQWFR

The extra added photons at 730nm far red give you an extra trigger on controlling your flowering period more adequate.

Keep in mind far red levels should stay under 7% to avoid too much stem elongation as it also trigger the “shade escape effect”.

Recommended LED Grow Lights for Phalaenopsis orchids cultivation

When you grow in a greenhouse environment, you absolutely want to reduce the shade impact of the grow lights on you crops.
In that case the CoolStack® gives a perfect fit to the needs.
With a shade impact coefficient of just 100mm² per μmol this LED top light offers the lowest overall shading in greenhouse cultivation.
This grow light delivers a stunning PPF up to 1.950μmol/s out of a 600 Watt grow light, all passive cooled by our advanced heat pipe technology.

With the optical lenses you can adapt the beam angle to your practical growth environment and required PPFD.
When you let us know your dimensions of the growth room, we will provide you with the optical simulation to get your lights right.

Optical simulation

pdf-iconCoolStack® horticulture LED top light - Product Brochure
